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Tom's Macmillan Marathon

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 3 years ago
  • Author:by Tom Parker

​There's a trend brewing amongst the MERJE team members. Our many recent additions to the crew have brought with them, as well as stellar recruitment expertise, a passion for something that most people couldn't possibly imagine enjoying - long distance running.

Every day, mentions of endurance, lap times and upcoming running events float through the office. It's becoming more talked about than the Premier League, and that's really saying something!

This brings us to Tom Parker, Senior Actuarial Recruitment Consultant, newest member of the MERJE gang and an avid endurance runner.

Tom spends the majority of his spare time training for long distance events. He recently completed his first 70.3 distance triathlon and is currently working his way up the distances with the aim of doing his first full distance IronMan next year!

On Sunday 17 October 2021, Tom is taking on his next challenge: The Asda Foundation Yorkshire Marathon. He will be running (and possible crawling by the end) past many of the beautiful sights of York as he completes his first 26.2-mile run.

Tom is combining his competitive drive and love for taking on challenges with his desire to support an organisation that is close to his heart – Macmillan Cancer Support. He sadly lost his grandma to cancer recently, so wanted to raise money to show his appreciation for Macmillan’s fantastic work in looking after his and many other families who go through difficult times.

We’re wishing the very best of luck to Tom as he embarks on this monster test of determination and fitness, we’re sure he’ll smash it!

Tom is very close to reaching his fundraising target! If you can spare a little donation and would like to support him, visit his Just Giving page here.

Who knows, maybe all of our runners will get together in future to complete a MERJE marathon. Watch this space!