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Harmonious Hiring Relationships

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 2 years ago
  • Author:by MERJE

Have you ever wondered what the perfect talent partnership should look like?

Many businesses engage with a number of external agencies to support their recruitment efforts, but can often be disappointed by a lack of results or not living up to expectations.

Of course, organisations habitually see the ideal scenario as handling internal recruitment themselves as it is perceived to be more cost-effective. However, this isn’t always the case and many companies don’t have the resources to do this in the first place.

When we asked our LinkedIn network what their biggest recruitment challenge is at the moment, nearly a quarter (23%) of respondents chose ‘Lack of internal resource’ or ‘Underperforming talent partner’.

In response to this, we’re sharing the benefits of outsourcing your staffing needs, and what you should look for in an ideal recruitment partner.

  • Frees up internal resource for other projects, deadlines, or tasks

  • Faster access to relevant talent

  • Can be more cost-effective in the long-run

  • Expert advice on hiring in certain areas, industries, locations, skillsets, etc.

  • Additional intel in the form of salary surveys, market insights, etc.


Commitment –

The best talent agencies are in it for the long-haul. They’re not looking to make quick fees or send irrelevant CVs just to make up the numbers. The right company will be committed to helping your business achieve its future ambitions through strategic, considered, and effective recruitment approaches.

This also means sticking around, even when it seems like the end is nowhere in sight! Occasionally, even when all the best tactics are employed, it can still take time to identify and secure that perfect candidate.

But truly committed recruitment partners will not give up on the vacancy after a few weeks; they will be honest about the challenges they’re facing, advise on the best next steps, and continue working on the role for as long as it takes.

Relationship-building –

Along with understanding your organisation’s long-term goals, the sincerest recruitment agency will look to build a 360-degree appreciation of the business, including its team structure, ethos, culture, mission, products/services, policies, and benefits, right down to the individuals within your teams.

Having this detailed comprehension of the company and the people it employs allows us to appreciate not only the type of people you’re looking to recruit but also the USPs of your business, which we can then promote to make you stand out in the hiring market.

More than just a service –

Sometimes, the answer to your staffing problem isn’t what you think it is. And that’s where an expert recruitment partner comes in. While our main role is finding the right candidate for your vacancy, we’re also here to advise on hiring trends, market activity, salary insights, and more.

The most effective staffing partner will also use their expertise to help you decide on the best hiring approach for your needs. Maybe an interim recruit instead of a permanent one, or one experienced professional instead of a team of graduates?

Ultimately, it’s not just about filling the role and ticking the boxes, it’s about working towards the best outcome for your business in the long-run.

Adaptability –

Every business is different. From global workforces to teams of less than 10 people, each organisation has unique requirements and a specific recruitment approach that works best for them.

That’s why your chosen talent partner should be ready to adjust to the hiring processes you have in place whilst at the same time identifying and recommending ways to optimise or improve your hiring journey.

As well as this, a great recruitment agency will employ innovative tactics to meet your bespoke needs, rather than relying on the same old methods and giving up when they don’t deliver results.

This could include engaging with D&I specialist job boards to attract a more diverse range of candidates, utilising additional interview or testing steps to optimise talent selection, or providing detailed candidate summaries if that’s what works best for your business.


Communication –

In our experience, having open communication lines between agencies and hiring managers is the most effective and efficient way to achieve success.

Hiring managers have the best understanding of the skills and experience required for the role, as well as the type of person who will fit with the rest of the team. Allowing direct communication between them and your talent partner minimises the risk of crossed wires, unclear information, or details getting lost in translation.

Having said that, we know that this isn’t always possible and many companies choose to direct all agency communication through their HR or internal talent team. In these cases, it is vital to ensure that the hiring manager passes as much clear information on to the internal team as possible which can then be provided to the recruitment agency.

If possible, it’s ideal to set up briefing calls with all parties so that every necessary detail can be gathered right at the beginning of the process. This gives the hiring manager the opportunity to be clear about their needs whilst allowing the recruitment agency to ask any questions or clarify certain details.

These initial calls, again, reduce the need for back-and-forth emails later down the line and set the agency up for success right from the off.

Flexibility –

As we discussed in an earlier article in this series, every candidate is unique and has individual desires, motivations and requirements when it comes to their career. As well as this, the hiring market is constantly changing, with different trends cropping up frequently.

Bearing this in mind, it is clear to see why a flexible approach to recruitment is the best one, and an expert recruitment partner will be able to advise on the best course of action for your business to attract talent and secure your ideal candidates.

A truly specialist agency will be realistic about the availability of skills in the employee landscape right now, salary demands in the market, what other benefits you could offer to stand out from the crowd, or what tweaks you could make to your role requirements to make it more likely to find suitable candidates.

It’s not always about just offering more money, and the right talent partner will consider every possible option to ensure you reach your desired outcome.

Honesty –

A core value in our ethos is being honest about our work. Whether it’s the roles we can work on vs. the ones that fall out of our remit, or the challenges we’re facing when recruiting for your vacancy, it is vital that we’re clear about what is happening so you’re not left in the dark or unhappy with our service, even if it’s negative news.

In return, we believe that honesty from your side is key too! Maybe you’ve had to put a hold on recruitment, you’re focusing on direct hiring for a while, you have an internal candidate, there’s been a shake-up internally, or something else. Whatever is happening in your business, it’s best to let your talent partner know.

It’s also great practice to provide feedback for the candidates you’ve interviewed. Not only is it useful for the candidates themselves so they can improve for next time, but it gives the agency even further insight into what you’re looking for in your ideal individual, strengthening their ability to find the right person.


Do your current recruitment suppliers meet these standards? If not, it may be time to reconsider your partnership needs and reach out to a specialist agency like MERJE.


This article is the fourth in a series sharing advice and guidance for clients to overcome the recruitment challenges they’re facing in the candidate-driven employment market.

Check out all the articles to see hints and tips for different stages of the recruitment journey to help you build a successful process:

Introduction: Why is hiring so tough right now?

  1. The dos and don’ts of making a job offer

  2. Stop losing talent at the last hurdle!

  3. Where have all the candidates gone?

  4. Harmonious hiring relationships

  5. Bonus! Interview Processes: neither a marathon nor a sprint