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We're boycotting our beds for Action for Children!

  • Publish Date: Posted about 2 years ago
  • Author:by MERJE

That's right, we're gathering a team of MERJE volunteers to forgo the comfort of their beds and sleep under the stars in support of Boycott your Bed 2022.

The fantastic event is being held all over the country, with thousands of people taking on the challenge to raise funds for Action for Children.

Sadly, there are 3.9 million UK children living in poverty right now. Action for Children raises money to support them with food, beds, mental health support and much more.

A big thank you to Gareth Powell for introducing us to the movement, we're incredibly proud and excited to be taking part and supporting such a great and important charity!

If you would like to support team MERJE in the Boycott your Bed event, you can donate to our JustGiving page here.